Soundwall is a compelling musical drama that follows Andreas, a young musician in Phoenix struggling to balance the demands of a looming family business takeover and his own aspirations for a music career. Despite his calm exterior, Andreas grapples with severe anxiety, relying heavily on medication to navigate the pressures from his father Jeff and his girlfriend Sam. His childhood friend Dax offers a potential escape by suggesting a move to Los Angeles, where they could both pursue their musical dreams. The opportunity sparks a conflict within Andreas between his existing commitments and the lure of his artistic ambitions.
The musical explores themes of personal responsibility, the impact of mental health on life choices, and the struggle between fulfilling personal desires and familial duties, all encapsulated in the metaphor of the “sound wall” that Andreas must ultimately break through to find peace and clarity. Audiences will be captivated by well-crafted adult contemporary progressive songs and lyrics that are inspired by the greats of 70s and 80s music.
With its captivating characters, relatable themes, and unforgettable music, Soundwall is a must-see for anyone who has ever struggled to find their place in the world.
Andreas is a young musician struggling with anxiety. He is torn between his family obligations and his personal dreams, leading to a constant internal conflict. Despite his anxiety, Andreas is a talented and passionate musician with a deep love for his craft. He is also a kind and empathetic person, always willing to help others, even when he is struggling himself.
Dax is Andreas’ best friend. He is loyal and supportive, but he can also be impulsive and competitive. He is passionate about music and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. However, Dax can also be selfish and manipulative, putting his own needs ahead of others.
Sam is Andreas’ girlfriend. Supportive and understanding, she is always there for him, even when he is at his lowest.
Jade is a confident and charismatic musician with a mysterious past. She is drawn to Andreas' vulnerability and is willing to take risks to support his dreams. Despite her tough exterior, Jade has a soft side and a deep desire for connection.
Jeff is Andreas’ father, who hopes Andreas will take over the family business. Despite his tough exterior, Jeff has a softer side and cares about his son’s well-being.
Bryan is a compassionate and understanding therapist who helps Andreas manage his anxiety. He is a skilled professional who genuinely cares about his clients' well-being. Bryan's presence offers a sense of stability and reassurance for Andreas, even when he feels most alone.
Creative Team
JOE ANDOLINO (Music & Lyrics)
a native of New Jersey, grew up with a variety of musical styles and influences from progressive rock, R&B and fusion. He combined those influences at the University of Southern California into the world of Film Scoring. Studying with some of the biggest names in composition and performance gave Joe a very schooled approach. He can now pull from many sources when producing music. He is a drummer, keyboard player, songwriter, arranger and conductor. He fears being typecast into any one particular style when writing, but a listener can always hear his audio fingerprints on anything he does. “I prefer to be a chameleon, that way I can be a part of the different styles of music I enjoy”. Music critics have described his sound as “progressive pop”, ranging from groove oriented tunes to more dramatic ballads. Professionally, his writing credits include some notable independent films. He has been featured 4 times in The Hollywood Reporter’s “Who’s Who in Composing”. Recently he has ventured into music directing shows and producing other artists, and the results have been described as “nothing less than electrifying” by several critics. Jay Chattaway, celebrated television composer, has described Joe’s music as “commercial yet musically ambitious, the best of both”. What more could a die-hard musician at heart want to hear; music that pleases the musicians and the masses.
NICK NAPPO (Book & Lyrics)
Nick is passionate about creating thought-provoking and engaging theatre experiences. Beyond Soundwall, he has been actively involved in the New York/New Jersey theatre scene, contributing to various community theatre productions and arts organizations. Nick holds a BA in Theatre Arts and Spanish from Drew University, and an MA in Integrated Marketing Communication from Marist College. Currently, he is working on the post-production of his first short film, “The New Owner”, set for release in Fall 2024. When he’s not writing or creating, however, he works on the digital marketing team at Segal, a human resources and benefits consulting firm.
NOAH KIRBY (Dramaturg)
Noah began his theatrical career as a director and found himself drawn to developing new works with new playwrights. While he still enjoys directing when he can, he now devotes most of his time to counseling playwrights on their new works to develop their storytelling from a character-driven mindset. Noah loves a good story, and loves helping others tell theirs more than anything. Favorite collaborations include Expressions: an Experiment, The Stupid Rainbow Musical, and I Know Her Name.
We’re currently reworking the show…stay tuned for more updates!